Eric A. Kimmel
Newest Books
Eric has two new books coming out for the holiday season. Put these on your Hanukkah list (and Christmas list, too!)
The Three Latkes features delightful illustrations by British artist Feronia-Parker-Thomas. It starts with a challenge. Which latke tastes best? Is it the one made with red potatoes? Yellow potatoes? Gold potatoes? What is best for frying them and what is best to put on them—applesauce, sour cream, or jam? They need someone to be the judge. Whom do they pick? The cat—of course—because the cat knows all about food. The cat eats everything. (Or at least Eric’s cat Doug does. Better not leave anything edible out on the kitchen counter. Doug jumps!) What is the cat’s verdict? Which latke tastes best?
You didn’t think we’d tell you, did you? You’ll have to read the book and find out.
Shield of the Maccabees, with exciting art by graphic artist Dov Smiley, is Eric’s first graphic novel. Eric had a lot to learn about this genre. Fortunately, Dov was an excellent teacher. Shield of the Maccabees is about two friends, Jason and Jonathan, who live in Judea at the time of the first Hanukkah. A mad king’s hateful decrees split the country and lead to a civil war. Jason and Jonathan find themselves on opposite sides, serving in opposing armies. Can they survive? Can their friendship endure?
Shield of the Maccabees is published by Behrman House/Apples & Honey Press.
Both books are available online or at your favorite local bookstore!
Or find Eric’s books at your local independent bookstore!
Eric has recorded some of his favorite stories! Follow along in the book or just listen.